AtZ Investment Partners

Política de cookies

Información relacionada con las cookies 

The Web uses cookies and to be able to know the preferences of the users, and optimize the configuration of the Web. Below, we offer a detailed description of them.

What are cookies?

Cookies are data packages that are stored on the device of users who visit a website and that generate certain information that can be read by the server that has installed them. For example, cookies are used:

  • To allow a user to navigate through a restricted access area, once they have entered their access codes.
  • To facilitate online shopping processes (cookies allow each product included in the shopping cart to be remembered).
  • To remember user preferences (language, font, etc.).
  • To obtain information about pages visited and offer advertising.

 What types of cookies are installed when accessing our website?

The Web uses its own and third party cookies. When we talk about own cookies, we refer to those that our domain installs and that are not managed by third-party companies. On the contrary, third-party or third-party cookies are not managed directly by us (although in some cases, they are downloaded from our domain).

Taking into account its purpose, we have classified the cookies we use on this website into the following groups:

1. Performance or analysis cookies
These cookies help us, for example, to identify the most popular sections of our website, quantify the number of visits, pages visited, length of stay on each page or country of origin, among others.
Specifically, we use the services of Google Inc, through its Google Analytics service that helps us obtain statistical data on the browsing habits of web visitors. For more information you can use this link.

2. Technical cookies
They are those that allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application and the use of the different options or services that exist in it, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing to parts of restricted access, remember the elements that make up an order, carry out the purchase process of an order, make the request for registration or participation in an event, use security elements during navigation, store content for the dissemination of videos or sound or share content through social networks.

3. Cookies
Specifically, the cookies we use are the following:

  • Cookie name Function Property
    Google Analytics: _ga. This cookie is used to calculate visits, sessions and data campaigns, country of origin, etc. .
    Google Analytics: _gat. Used to limit the percentage of requests (Expires: 10 minutes)

How to avoid the installation of cookies?

You can delete the cookies that are already stored on your device at any time, and also configure your browser to reject their installation. The fact of not accepting cookies could suppose a limitation in the functionality of the Web.